[2020-08-07] Gratitude
Jennifer Lopez recently shared a post on Instagram in which she wrote, "In this time, when it’s so easy to get down and think of all the things going wrong and what we don’t have and don’t know the answers to... I make it a habit to say three things I’m grateful for as soon as I open my eyes and then at night when I’m lying in bed I list three good things out loud that happened that day."
I have heard—and espoused—the idea of acknowledging, daily, three things for which I'm grateful. In fact, after a tough day at the office, when my colleague Darrin and I would walk to the bus stop (pre-COVID when that was a thing), I would say, "OK, Darrin, three things you're grateful for?" We would often reference our employees. My branch is filled with talented, caring, hardworking staff.
I have benefited from that caring this week as I've received message after message from employees (not to mention colleagues, friends and family) wishing me well in the fight ahead. They've said things like:
- You are one of the strongest, smartest and most caring people I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
- Your strength and leadership lift us, especially when things get tough at work. It’s not just words. Knowing that you are in our corner provides me with the confidence to do what’s right, to make hard decisions, to do the best job I can.
- I very much appreciate all the trust, kindness, and fierce support you show to CPAB employees on a daily basis.
- I trust you will deal with this the way you deal with everything...like a BOSS.
- I know you have the bench strength of many, many people thinking about, caring about and praying for you. And I know that bench strength in times like this is stronger than can be seen….so please know that I’ll be on that bench for you.
- I know you have the optimism, strength and support to get though this.
- I’m sending you all the cancer asskicking vibes you can handle.
- [D]on't worry about us—we will be fine—and come back strong.
- As I’m sure you know, you have a large team of people in your corner supporting you in anyway we can.
- I just want you to know that we are all rooting for you and that you will be in our thoughts.
- We’ll keep your seat warm!
- We will be here when you get back.
- Happy to sing Amazing Grace anytime you want.
And those are just some of the messages I've received.
Colleagues, friends and family have been similarly kind—from sending me a flower-filled e-card, to volunteering to drop off baked goods or clean my house, to offering to share medical advice from a cousin who is an oncologist.
I'm grateful to my husband for loving me deeply, to my even-keeled son for keeping things normal, and to my brilliant daughter for the title of this blog (Jenesis).
And on my wedding day (Tuesday), my sister and my niece—with so little notice—sourced and dropped off a huge bouquet of flowers and a small one that you can see in yesterday's post. The huge bouquet sits on my deck and fills me with joy.
I have so much to be grateful for.
I'm sure you do too.