[2020-10-08] MyTherapy app: an excellent tool

As I shared in Health-related apps, I downloaded the Android version of the MyTherapy app a few weeks ago to use to remind me of the medication I needed to take. However, as I've used the app, I've discovered additional features that make this more than just a medication reminder tool.

I'm not surprised that the app has 4.7 stars out of 5 in the Google Play Store based on more than 80,000 reviews and 1 million downloads. I would give it 5 stars—more if the option were available. Here's why.
  • It's a simple app to use. I didn't have to read a user manual to figure out how to add a drug to my list, set up reminders and clear them once I had taken the medication.
  • The app not only reminds me to take my meds, but tracks my consumption as well. That's essential when you're trying to remember the last time you took a medication that comes with a maximum daily dose.
  • The Today button presents—in chronological ordera list of everything you have programmed into the app for the day, from medication to activities to a check of symptoms.
  • The Progress feature allows you to see what medications you've taken and activities you've completed over the past week—in chart or list format.
This is how I use the app.

Track medsboth those on a schedule and as needed
As I was recovering from surgery, I had a whole host of medications to take on differing schedules: Tylenol, Advil, Dilaudid, Restoralax, Senokot. Then when chemotherapy started, I had new drugs to takeEmend, Mar-Ondansetraon, Prochlorazine—all with different frequencies. The MyTherapy app has helped me keep track of what to take when and to show my progress as I've reduced my need for medication over time.

Track activities
The free Kegel app I downloaded—Kegel Trainer—offers two reminders per day in the free version. I wanted five. So I programmed the activities into MyTherapy, where there are no restrictions on the number of reminders per day. In fact, contrary to Kegel Trainer, MyTherapy never prompts me to upgrade to a paid version, if there's even such a thing. I'm also using the MyTherapy app to track ad hoc activities, such as walking. You can track more than 50 different activities, including physiotherapy, running and dancing. The app doesn't track bowel movements (I know, TMI, but when you have surgery or chemo, poops are a big deal), so I'm using "Time for me" as my stand-in. 😉

Track measurements
MyTherapy offers a place to track more than 20 different measures. Most relevant to me are temperature (a fever while on chemotherapy requires immediate medical attention) and weight (I'm trying not to lose too much weight).

Track symptoms
The potential side effects from chemotherapy are many so a daily prompt to check from among MyTherapy's list of more than 80 symptoms is welcomed.

The most common side effects of the two chemo drugs I'm on include:
  • low white blood cells, which can make it easier to get an infection and, by extension, a fever
  • low platelets in the blood, which can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising
  • nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness
  • hair thinning or loss
  • tingling and numbness in the fingers and toes
  • joint or muscle pain or cramps
Other common side effects include:
  • too much or too little salt in the body, which can lead to muscle spasms, cramping, weakness, twitching or convulsions
  • kidney problems, which can manifest as swelling in the hands, ankles, feet or other areas of the body
  • allergic reaction
Less common side effects include:
  • liver problems
  • change in hearing
  • fatigue
  • mild swelling in arms and legs, puffiness
  • mouth sores
While not all these symptoms appear in the list of those available through MyTherapy, something close is an option, which would likely serve as a memory jog if I needed it.

Track progress
In addition to the online charts and lists showing progress, MyTherapy users can send a PDF version to their email address of their health report for the current month or previous months they used the app. This would be an excellent tool to take to a doctor's appointment.

If you have a need to track even some of the things supported by the MyTherapy app, I would recommend that you download and use it. It's an excellent app.