[2021-12-04] CKCU-FM Interview
Last Sunday, Bob LeDrew—host of CKCU FM's Can I Have a Word?—interviewed me over Zoom for his weekly radio program.
We spent a very pleasant hour together talking about my journey with ovarian cancer. The hour-long format allowed plenty of time to delve into a host of subjects, including my blog, the repercussions of cancer on me and my loved ones, my mental attitude, the importance of staying on top of one's health, the value of coaching, and facing my own mortality.
I won't attempt to summarize the interview, but I will share my favourite quotes.
The more we are vulnerable and the more we get positive responses to that vulnerability, the easier it is to be vulnerable.
I feel a little bit like when Forrest Gump is running for two years, and he's got all these people running with him. That's what it has felt like being on this journey. I've had all these people walking right beside me and supporting me.
The fact that I talk about other things reflects that cancer is just a part of my life. It's not all-consuming. It's not what I think about every day. And people can get through cancer. They go through treatment. They come out the other side. Their hair grows back. Their eyelashes and eyebrows grow back. And even when you don't have eyelashes and eyebrows, you can still look like such a beautiful person.
I think every day: I'm here today. I can live. And I can love. And I can contribute.