[2021-12-13] Busy
Today reminded me of my old life: busy from morning to night. The day started with booking a COVID vaccine booster for Chris. It took more than an hour, but I was successful in finding an appointment for him on Friday.
Once that was out of the way, I rushed to grab a shower before Chris and I left for separate medical appointments. Fortunately they were scheduled in the same part of town, so even though they overlapped, we were able to make them both.
Next up was a trip to the pharmacy to drop off prescriptions.
After lunch, I had a Zoom call with my investment advisor, then returned to the pharmacy to pick up medication.
After my call with my mom, I put dinner in the oven and departed for a quick visit to the clinic for a dressing change.
After supper, I took my daughter to a few local stores for Christmas shopping.
I'm pooped. I'm unaccustomed to having so many commitments in a day. I need a day to recuperate.
I must remember Greg McKeown's advice in Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most. He says that we should never do more today than we can completely recover from tomorrow. I think I've pushed the limit of what I can and want to do in a day. Fortunately, I have only a few commitments tomorrow.
Sleep well one and all.