[2022-01-07] Lifesaving treatment
In a conversation with my cancer coach today, I shared my view that cancer treatment is lifesaving. I see radiation as lifesaving energy, just as I saw chemotherapy as lifesaving medicine.
My coach noted that how we think of therapy may influence how successfully we undergo cancer treatment, while acknowledging that hard scientific evidence to support that theory may be lacking.
Nevertheless, I can't imagine thinking of cancer treatment in any other way. As I explained to my coach, my aim is to do everything I can to heal my body and reduce my health risks so that I have the greatest chance of remaining in the lives of the people I love and who count on me.
So I don't dwell on the damage radiation will do to the skin targeted for treatment anymore than I focused on how sick chemotherapy would make me. Instead, I emphasize the power of these medical interventions to save my life.