[2022-04-06] New beginnings
Life has taught me I am not always in control. Life is full of experiences, lessons, heartbreak, and pain. But, it has also shown me love, beauty, possibility, and new beginnings. Embrace it all. It makes us who we are, and after every storm comes a clear sky.
~ Unknown
Today was one of those days of love, beauty, possibility and new beginnings. A clear sky after a storm.
What made this day special was not some grand event or fabulous health news. It was something quite mundane. Shane's couch arrived.
When I learned a few days ago that my son's couch would finally be delivered today, almost four months after he had purchased it, I was giddy with excitement. I couldn't wait to see it in his apartment.
We had resolved to pick up and deliver Shane's TV the day his couch arrived. These two purchases were the last large ones needed to complete Shane's condo. He had already bought and installed his bed, mattress, nightstand, table and chairs, desk, bookshelf, cabinet and TV stand.
The couch in place and the TV installed, Chris, Shane, Mel and I had a lovely supper together, topped off with some pastries Mel had picked up at a local bakery.
Shane's new beginning is my new beginning. It has filled me with joy and pride to watch him make his first place a home—one that reflects his personality and priorities.
In the past year and a half, I've had tough days. But I've also had many wonderful days. Today is one of the days when I will go to sleep with a smile in my heart and a picture of happiness in my mind.