[2022-05-02] Flawsome

I'm more likely to forgive oversights others make than blunders I commit. When someone else makes a harmless mistake, I'll say, "Don't worry about it. No biggee."

But when I commit even an innocuous error, I'll beat myself up about it. It's the perfectionist in me—the part that expects me to meet impossible standards.

Today, when a friend revealed that she hasn't been on her game lately, I shared with her a quote that someone had sent me more than a year ago:

Flawsome: somebody who embraces their flaws because they know they are awesome regardless!

I loved that quote from the moment I heard it.

My friend and I both accepted our "flawsomeness" today.

You, too, are awesome. Flawed, yes, but awesome nonetheless. You're perfectly flawsome.