[2022-05-24] Baking for brothers
Today, I baked for my brothers: gluten-free sesame bagels and granola scones for one, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and banana-bran muffins for the other two.
For me, food has always equaled caring. When I was being treated for cancer, I appreciated receiving gifts of food. So it's natural for me to want to extend the same kindness to others. This is especially true for family members who, in recent days, have been without hydro or their normal supports.
When life feels out of control, a baked treat can make things seem a tiny bit more normal. When that treat is a gift, it's even more comforting. It says: "Someone cares about me"; "Someone is thinking of me"; "Someone wants me to be happy."
I don't bake often for my brothers, but I do care about them, think about them and want them to be happy.