[2022-06-29] Giving one's very best
In response to last night's post, a Jenesis reader shared this observation: "Your message today reminds me that as much as anything life is about finding oneself and giving oneself and others one’s very best!"
I loved that. Finding ourselves does seem to be a prerequisite to giving our best to ourselves and others. This applies when we choose our education, careers and hobbies. We find ourselves by discovering our passions (what we love) and our talents (what we're good at) and sharing these with the world, however we define that.
Another reader—a self-described old lady—shared what she loves about her octogenarian life: "loving my hair and embracing my wrinkles"; "spending time with people whom I admire and enjoy"; "helping those who need help (if I can)"; "playing house with my wonderful appliances." She added: "I like to dress in what feels good and looks good even if it is out of style. I have learned to ENJOY help from my daughters, and their spouses, difficult at first, and to be grateful for a loving spouse who not only likes me the way I am but encourages my behaviour....good or bad 🤔😍......I am privileged to be an Octogenarian !!!!!"
I adore when Jenesis readers interpret my posts through their own eyes and experience. I replied: "It's good to know who we are, what we believe in and whom we can trust with our love. I feel like having cancer has matured me (I was going to say "aged me" but that wouldn't be accurate). I see life now the way it might have taken me into my 60s or 70s to see: each day as a gift, friendships as precious, time as the most valuable commodity. I hope to enjoy the same privilege as you—living with grace well into my 80s."
This evening, I met with a former colleague who recently completed her studies to be a nutritionist. We talked about gallbladders, gynecologic cancers, and food as medicine. It was such a gift for her to share an hour of her busy schedule with me, confirming what I was doing right, suggesting alternatives when my choices could be better, and encouraging me to be adventurous in figuring out what works for me.
I capped off this day taking in a late-evening concert at the Ottawa Jazz Festival, my first time attending that festival. Chris and I saw Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis. We sat in the cool, open air, under the stars, listening to impeccably played jazz music. Wynton Marsalis and all members of the band have clearly found their best, and they shared that with an appreciative audience tonight.