[2022-07-26] Radiation oncology check-in #8
Today, I returned to the Irving Greenberg Family Cancer Centre for a follow-up with my radiation oncologist. I told Dr. Jin that I have healed completely, with only one residual issue, namely, occasional discomfort during a bowel movement. Unfortunately, this will not change, she told me. It's related to scar tissue, which causes a narrowing of the anal canal.
Too much information? Maybe. But for anyone who might follow in my footsteps, knowing the potential long-term side effects of pelvic radiation is helpful for decision-making.
I didn't understand all the ramifications of radiotherapy before undergoing treatment. Notwithstanding this, I'm glad I made the decision I did. Better the 85% chance of curing my perianal skin cancer than the 50% chance that the precancerous cells that remained after surgery would turn cancerous, necessitating further surgery or radiation at some point anyway. As I said to Dr. Jin today, the radiation treatment I underwent in January and February was short-term pain for long-term gain, and it provided peace of mind.
The next steps in relation to my perianal skin cancer are an MRI in September and a follow-up appointment with Dr. Jin in October or November. She explained that I will be followed for five years—more frequently in year 1 (weekly during active treatment, then quarterly for check-ins), less frequently in years 2 and 3 (semi-annually) and occasionally in years 4 and 5 (annually).
For now, my recovery is as good as it gets, and that's plenty for me.