[2022-09-17] Saturday Synopsis #9
Continuing the theme of animals, this week's Saturday Synopsis focuses on horses.
Story of the week: Hoofbeats and Heartbeats Equine
Today, Chris and I attended the Richmond Fair, where I met Debra Carey-Knox who works at Hoofbeats and Heartbeats Equine (website, Facebook). This nonprofit organization uses miniature horses as therapy animals. Handlers work with a wide range of clients, including kids, teens, seniors, children with special needs, and adults with PTSD. Debra told me that individuals who interact with their horses can often open up to the therapy animals—sharing thoughts and emotions—in ways they might not be able to do with people. The organization's goal is to provide joyful connections through unmounted equine therapy programs, which can help clients reduce their anxiety, process emotions, and build trust and confidence.
Photos of the week: Debra and Angel plus Six-Horse Hitch
This week's Saturday Synopsis photo is of Debra and her miniature horse Angel. I can attest to the serenity I felt petting Angel today. You can find more photos of the therapy horses at this weekend's Richmond Fair on Debra's Facebook page.
But I couldn't resist also giving you a glimpse at the Six-Horse Hitch at the Richmond Fair. As the name implies, each of the seven teams featured six horses hitched together, pulling a freight wagon. This event was spectacular, one of the most breathtaking things I've seen in a while. From the first glimpse of these huge horses coming around the barn and into the ring, I was captivated. Seeing and hearing the power of these horses as they stomped around the ring was awe-inspiring. It was thrilling to see all seven teams lined up together, with one entry winning the competition and pulling out from the line. I loved this description of such events: "Six gleaming one-ton horses create a spectacle as they stomp into the arena as one, outfitted in patent leather and chrome harness pulling the historically restored freight wagons. Crowds can literally feel the earth tremble as the massive hitches pass by!"
Quote of the week: Poetry in motion
This week's quote reflects the beauty, power and grace of horses (author unknown): "Ask me to show you poetry in motion and I will show you a horse."
Song of the week: Horses by Keith Urban
There is no shortage of songs that reference horses, but I settled on "Horses" by Keith Urban for this week's selection. I particularly identified with the lyrics: "You're alive | So just let your horses run."
Video of the week: Sable Island
Perhaps it was all the horses he saw yesterday and today, but tonight Chris told me about the horses of Sable Island. This small island, which is part of Nova Scotia, is home to about 500 wild horses. This week's video is a short piece by Parks Canada entitled Discover Sable Island National Park Reserve. The video summary reads as follows: "Far out in the North Atlantic sits Sable Island National Park Reserve, a wild and windswept island of sand. This crescent shaped island of dynamic rolling sand dunes is home to a wild horse population, the world’s largest breeding colony of grey seals, and species that are found here and nowhere else on earth. The forces of nature dominate all life here, past, present, and future. Sable Island National Park Reserve is a testament to adaptation and survival, a place to witness change and marvel at survival in an unlikely environment."