[2022-10-27] Sunshine for your soul
This morning, I came across this quote in social media:
Some people just make you feel better when you're around them. They're sunshine for your soul and medicine for your mind.
One person immediately came to mind. I'm sure that I could have identified many people (including family members) who were sunshine for my soul, but I decided to go with my first answer. I resolved to write to that person to let them know what they meant to me.
In my email, I described our first conversation together, how I felt whenever we met face-to-face, and an occasion on which this person had helped me—it was at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed and demoralized.
It's been a while since I gave Jenesis readers homework, but I will today. Write, call or go see the first person who came to mind when you read the above quote. You may be reaching out to them at exactly the moment they most need to hear of their positive influence on another person.