[2022-12-05] Meditations on being seen and heard
So many problems can be avoided if we respond with L.O.V.E. instead of reacting in haste:
Listen - "I hear you."
Observe - "I see you."
Validate - "I accept you."
Empathize - "I understand you."
~ L.R. Knost
Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.
~ David Augsburger
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
~ Ed Cunningham
The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as being heard.
~ William Hazlitt
Being safe is about being seen and heard and allowed to be who you are and to speak your truth.
~ Rachel Naomi Remen
People start to heal the moment they feel heard.
~ Cheryl Richardson
Being seen, heard, accepted and understood is only the first step in a healthy relationship. When we thank the person who sees, hears, accepts and understands us, we—in turn—validate them.
And when we reciprocate with seeing, hearing, accepting and understanding the other person, we return the favour.
We both heal. We both experience a sense of importance and belonging. We both feel safe, loved and cared for.