[2023-02-24] Relax in a sunbeam
Today was a cold, though bright, winter day. When my daughter and I came home from a brisk walk at lunch, she suggested that I "relax in a sunbeam."
I loved the image that conjured up—a sleepy cat, basking in the sun streaming in through a skylight, or a little girl reading a book in a comfy spot by a window. The expression also brought to mind self-love, slowing down, and taking quiet pride in one's accomplishments. "Relax in a sunbeam" sounds like something one would lovingly say to a child. It's about finding the positive in one's life.
I adore new expressions, especially ones that sound both refreshing and familiar at the same time. "Relax in a sunbeam" is today's what-I-don't-want-to-forget.