[2023-10-06] Pumpkin
Today at the grocery store, I came across a man crouched near the floor as he stared at cans of pumpkin on the bottom shelf.
— "I bet you're wondering why pumpkin doesn't come in different-sized cans," I said to him.
— "Yes," he admitted, standing up. He added: "And why they're the same price." He pointed to cans of different sizes.
— "Oh well, that's because this small can is pumpkin pie filling. And this large can is pumpkin puree. Most recipes call for the puree."
— "How much is in this can?"
— "28 ounces."
— "But I don't need that much."
— "Oh you can freeze pumpkin puree. Just pop whatever you don't need in a plastic container and put it in the freezer. The next time you need pumpkin puree, you'll be all set."
— "Thanks!"
— "Apparently you can buy pumpkin puree in smaller cans in the States."
— "Hmm, not really worth going there just for pumpkin."
— "No, that's true. Happy baking!"
— "You too!"
My fellow shopper was a tall, fair gentleman, probably in his mid-30s. He had a soft voice, with a slight British accent. I wondered about his story. Had his wife sent him to the grocery store with instructions to buy canned pumpkin? Or was he an inexperienced but enthusiastic cook, planning to make a new recipe with pumpkin puree? Or was he an experienced baker who didn't need my help at all, but simply humoured me as I gave him my unsolicited advice?
It doesn't matter, because our exchange was pleasant and kind. As Yo-Yo Ma said, "Good things happen when you meet strangers."