[2023-10-13] CA125 October 2023
I had my monthly blood work done today. My CA125 (which measures the level of cancer antigen in my blood) was at a reassuring 8: normal, steady, no evidence of disease.
It has been 2 years and 10 months since my CA125 has been in the normal range (below 35). After registering 920 on July 29, 2020 (the day I learned I had ovarian cancer), it dropped to 19 on December 3, 2020 (my fourth round of chemotherapy). On January 14, 2021, (my sixth and final day of chemotherapy), my CA125 was at 10. A month later, it had fallen to 8, and has remained in the single digits ever since. I feel tremendously lucky. I'm grateful for the healthcare professionals who got me to this point and to the scientists who developed the maintenance drug I take every day to keep my ovarian cancer from coming back. I appreciate the research that continues, with aims of detecting ovarian cancer sooner and treating it more effectively.