[2024-02-02] Facing and overcoming adversity
It's important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages.
~ Michelle Obama
I wish I didn't have to face adversity. Could I not learn the lessons without going through the hard stuff?
But then...
Would I notice individuals left out of the circle if I hadn't felt left out myself? Would I understand the anxieties experienced by the newly promoted if I hadn't faced the same lack of confidence as I rose in my career? Would I have the same empathy for the cancer patient if I weren't a survivor too?
I don't think I would.
Adversity made me a better classmate, leader and human.
What's more, the experience of others who have faced and overcome adversity has also been my teacher. Today, for the fourth time, a generous, positive woman shared her story of going through a bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction. I wish they hadn't had to face this adversity, but their experience and their willingness to share it with me has become one of my biggest advantages. Their stories are making it easier for me to take the next steps in my own journey.
Adversity stings. But it also makes us better versions of ourselves. We benefit, but so, too, do those around us.