[2024-06-17] Understanding Ovarian Cancer: patient support guide

Today, I received a hard copy of Ovarian Cancer Canada's new patient support guide: Understanding Ovarian Cancer.

Four years ago, when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I ordered Ovarian Cancer Canada's By Your Side book, which was developed to help ovarian cancer patients navigate their cancer journey. I found it informative and felt reassured, as the resource helped me better understand the disease and prepare for treatment.

The Understanding Ovarian Cancer guide updates and expands the information available to ovarian cancer patients. Developed by Ovarian Cancer Canada with a team of experts and patient partners, the guide provides information on what ovarian cancer is, how it is treated, how to tell people you have cancer, who the members of your healthcare team are, what supports are available to you, what an ovarian cancer recurrence is and how it is treated, and more.

The guide would be helpful to anyone affected by ovarian cancer—both someone directly touched by the disease and someone supporting the cancer patient. Indeed, it offers guidance for the loved ones of the ovarian cancer patient, acknowledging that it can feel overwhelming when someone you care about has cancer.

To access the free patient support guide, fill out the online Resource Guide Request Form. You can get immediate access to a PDF version of Understanding Ovarian Cancer sent to you via email or you request a hard copy version sent to you via traditional mail.

To help ensure that every ovarian cancer patient in Canada has access to the guide, Ovarian Cancer Canada has completed extensive outreach to cancer centres and healthcare professionals across the country to share copies of Understanding Ovarian Cancer and bookmarks with information on how to order the guide.