[2024-09-15] Terry Fox Run Day 2024

When I was given the date of September 12 for my breast reconstruction surgery, I knew that it was just three days before the Terry Fox Run. But I didn't want to delay my surgery further, so I accepted the proposed date, knowing that it could impact my participation in the walk.

Today, on Terry Fox Run Day, I considered going to the site of the Kanata run, just to be there, even if I didn't have the energy to walk any part of the race. In the end, I decided against it. I can't wear my Terry Fox cancer survivor t-shirt (only hold it in front of me) because I'm not allowed to lift my arms over my head for a few weeks. The pain I'm experiencing as I recover from breast reconstruction surgery—linked to a desire to avoid a third cancer—is significant, particularly the longer it's been since my last dose of meds. And I'm not sleeping well. So I will do what I promised many that I would: I will be gentle with myself.

My surgery-induced discomfort no doubt pales in comparison to the pain that Terry Fox felt every day that he ran his Marathon of Hope. Knowing how I feel today and how he must have felt during his Marathon of Hope makes me admire him all the more.

I will once again participate in a Terry Fox Run, just not today. For now, I express my appreciation for all those taking part in Terry Fox Run activities, and I thank all who have donated to my fundraising campaign. Donations can still be made.