[2023-01-28] Saturday Synopsis #28
As I did for last week's Saturday Synopsis, I offer you 3 ideas from me (quotes from posts in January 2021 or January 2022), 2 quotes from other people, and 1 question to consider this week.
3 Ideas From Me
Many people tell me that I am brave to tell my story. It's easy to share happy or neutral news, even photos showing my hair loss. But it does take courage to admit when I'm feeling sad or scared or tired. I've always been the person who is strong when others are feeling weak, positive when others are feeling negative, energetic when others are feeling spent. Still, a wise friend wrote to me the other day, "you don't have to be strong all the time."
When I was in the thick of the pandemic fight—before my diagnosis of ovarian cancer turned my attention to a new fight—the only thing that got me through each day was the support of my colleagues. The months between January and August 2020 were the hardest of my 32-year career in the federal public service, but what will always stand out for me is the kindness and compassion of colleagues.
From time to time, I have suggested to loved ones and have had to remind myself: "If giving makes you feel good, keep giving. But if giving makes you feel resentful, stop giving." That resentment may come from exhaustion or from a lack of recognition, or both. Regardless, resentment is often a red flag that you need to take a break, either to restore your energy or to get some distance from an emotionally draining relationship.
2 Quotes From Others
You can choose to focus on each awful, imperfect experience. You can assume the worst possible outcome and expect people to fail you. Or you can allow yourself to be in awe of what is right, beautiful, sacred, and profound. You can choose to focus on what makes you feel aligned with the extraordinary life you hope for. You can expect people to surprise and delight you in the best possible ways. What you focus on is what will become your truth. Choose wisely.
~ Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
~ Frederick Keonig
1 Question For You
What is your most important goal right now?